Sunday, November 13, 2011


Autumn, to me, serves as a visual reminder that while many pieces of my life are completed and no longer needed, in their place, new growth is indeed taking place. Flourishing, actually - in glorious, autumn-hued technicolor.  I am adapting to changes in my role as a mother, renewing old friendships, and gaining confidence in my ability to survive financially in this town of starving artists and wealthy retirees. I am stronger and better for having endured the elements year after year. And all it takes is a short hike on a crisp fall morning to provide assurance that the cycle will continue.

Stuff to enjoy:

Alaskan school project proves Handel's Hallelujah Chorus is most accurately interpreted by children!

Proposal production: How could she say no?

Fascinating pollination!  Enlightening discussion and some of the most stunning video photography you'll ever see.

Autumn in a cookie.

A morality chemical in the brain? This TED Talk explains so much.

Nick Lowe's own rendition of a song he wrote for Johnny Cash. Chills.

Move over pumpkin pie. Yay for spiked Thanksgiving shakes!

The secret to a happy life can be found in this video.

Go forth and make it a happy, fulfilling, autumn-hued week! Hugs.

Photo by Melissa Mathieson

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