Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rubber Duck Imposter

Another embarrassing mom moment: I've often purchased adorable cap & diploma ducks from the bevy of rubber ducks offered at Cambria Village Pharmacy. They make such cute graduation gifts! So I thought I'd give a couple to my son's friends, along with meager amounts of cash contained in cards containing well-wishes for their futures. I made a quick stop to the store on my lunch hour, grabbed the grad ducks in a rush, and placed them with the cards for the boys to find when they converged at our house yesterday. It wasn't until I got home after work when I realized the extra duck I purchased for my son was not a graduate duck, but in fact, a sailor duck. Adam and Jordan now think I'm certifiably nuts, and they're probably right.

1 comment:

  1. In my defense, the sailor cap totally looked like a graduation cap! And at first glance that toy boat he's carrying is a dead ringer for a diploma!
