Saturday, July 17, 2010

A better "to do" list

Chore day — and things have gotten way out of hand here at the house. On the agenda: things like scrubbing bathroom tile grout and hard water deposits, dusting and organizing 16 bookshelves, cleaning out the fridge. As if transforming my home to Martha Stewart perfection will simultaneously create order, direction, and purpose in my life. Reality: Inside I'm a mess, even after my house is sparkling clean. Think how great I'd feel if I accomplished everything on a list like this: 

1. Draw a picture using crayons on construction paper.
2. Go to beach and hunt for seaglass.
3. Select pastry at local bakery.
4. Find a three-year-old to play with and follow her agenda.
5. Create stellar playlist on i-tunes. Purchase new songs if needed.
6. Find some good smooth rocks at the tidepools. Go home an paint at least one.
7. Find and memorize a significant line of prose. 
8. Choreograph a dance to Wham's "Young Guns."
9. Play a card game with at least one of my kids.
10. Reread "Nancy Drew: The Secret of the Old Clock." 
11. Walk the neighborhood and photograph all the birds I see.
12. Pick a wildflower bouquet and deliver to a deserving friend.
13. Compose a song by tapping on glasses filled with water. 
14. Telephone boyfriend and field his responses to 10 random questions.
15. Find a perfect spot and have a heart-to-heart with God.

It would be the best day ever. And soul cleansing at that. Maybe tomorrow ...


  1. Love it! To be honest though, when I make my to-do lists, the best part is crossing stuff off, so I always add stuff like this to my list (like walk dog on the beach), so I can have the satisfaction of crossing things off!

  2. Nice, Kirsten. I like this one a lot.

    I also try to sprinkle fun stuff into my yucky chore lists . . . like "breathe" or "go outside for 10 minutes" and even things like "remember to be kind to yourself", or "SMILE" . . . and goofy me, I do it! (and then I check it off and smile a second time =)
